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ōSHen Knits

Scorpio - Lionfish

Scorpio - Lionfish

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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Celebrated for your confidence and allure, it’s clear that you are quite the prize, Scorpio! However, capturing your attention is a different story, as people may risk getting stung, much like the red lionfish. This stunning fish is adorned with deep maroon stripes and unique fins. While generally peaceful, the red lionfish possesses a surprising venomous quality. Similar to this intriguing marine creature, you have the ability to deliver a sting when necessary. Both you and the red lionfish are enchanting yet potentially perilous, so it’s all about discovering that special someone who can navigate the complexities of both.

Fun Fact

Lionfish have a very large stomach capacity, enabling them to consume a large quantity of food at once.

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