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ōSHen Knits

Aquarius - Deep Sea Squid

Aquarius - Deep Sea Squid

Regular price $30.00 USD
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You’re probably the most unusual zodiac sign out there, Aquarius. Since Uranus is your modern astrological ruler, this planetary influence plays a part in your quirks and eccentricity. While there are so many unusual marine animals, your unique personality is best represented by the giant squid. This big-finned, deep sea squid is quite the oddity. Similar to you, the giant squid prefers to be detached and aloof. They’re mysterious and elusive, but they’re really just shy and also incredibly intelligent (kind of like you). Although you and this squid are rare sightings, you both always leave a lasting impression.

Fun Fact

Squid are the fastest swimming invertebrate.

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